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Stonar School

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Our year-round Rugby Excellence Programme is designed to provide a platform for all our players to improve and reach their potential.

While we are committed to pushing our most talented players to achieve success at and beyond school, the primary focus is on creating an environment where every player can grow.

Through expert coaching, individual conditioning plans, and access to more competitive opportunities, we aim to ensure that each pupil leaves the programme as a stronger, more confident rugby player, regardless of their starting point.

Building a Rugby Legacy at Stonar

Click on the photos below to find out more about Mr Izzard's vision for the future of rugby at Stonar:

Rugby Coaches

Adam Izard portrait

Adam Izzard
Head of Rugby

Jack Bertinet
Assistant Sport Graduate


Stonar offers sports scholarships for entry into Year 7, 9 and Sixth form. Candidates are expected to demonstrate excellent sporting ability in at least one of the school’s major sports - but ideally in more than one - as well as set standards to inspire contemporaries and contribute fully to the sports programme at the School.

There is more information on our scholarships page.