Transition from Year 6
Year 7 is the most popular entry point into the School, with approximately half of the pupils progressing from the Prep School and half joining from a wide variety of schools.Whether moving up from our own Prep School, or coming to us from elsewhere, we place great importance on warmly welcoming and supporting pupils transitioning into the Senior School.
Transition Process
Our Head of Key Stage 3 oversees the transition process, right from acceptance of a place at the School. In the Summer Term before joining Year 7, pupils are invited for an Induction Day, which is an opportunity to spend a day becoming familiar with the staff, routines and buildings. This is also a chance to get to know the other pupils in the year group and start establishing friendships. Pupils are welcome to return to the school during the Summer Holidays to refamiliarise themselves with the campus, which can be arranged with the Admissions Department.
We place great importance on warmly welcoming and supporting pupils."
Support at School
Once in school in September, help is always nearby. Tutors are on-hand to support pupils and parents with any academic or personal concerns - as well as Houseparents for the pupils who board here.
A buddy is provided for everyone, so pupils know there is always someone looking out for them. Finally, younger pupils can look to the older peers for guidance and as role models, as well as their immediate classmates.
Year 7 Team Building Camp
In addition to the variety of activities that will take place in school to build friendships and a supportive team atmosphere within their tutor groups, a whole year Team Building Camp will be held during September. This two-night camp provides an exciting opportunity for pupils to spend time away from the school environment and take part in a range of activities that will forge relationships across the whole cohort.