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Stonar School

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Wraparound Care

The morning care and after-lesson experience is a cosy, homely environment, to support the needs of working parents and families with children in the Senior School. Pupils enjoy afternoon tea, and extending their day with their peers.

Known as Before and After School Club, our flexible wraparound provision is included within the school fees (*) and offers an extended school day from 8am until 6.00pm. Before and After School Club is run by a member of staff known to the children and who offers a range of fun and engaging activities each day in a nurturing environment.

*For pupils from Reception to Year 6. The fee for Nursery children is £16.50 per session.

Before School Club 8am - 8.30am (Reception to Year 6)

Children may arrive at school between 8:00 and 8:10am if parents require an earlier than normal drop off.  Reception children should be dropped off at the Nursery and children in Years 1 to 6 are dropped off at the front door of the Prep School.

After School Club (Nursery to Year 6) until 6.00pm

The After School Club consists of afternoon tea and activities until 6.00pm. Provision is based in the Prep Hall.

Reception, Year 1 and 2 children are looked after separately in the Nursery, while children in Years 3 to 6 are based in the Prep School.

Girls laughing in the play area whilst looking at the camera