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Two international pupils engaged in an EAL lesson

Individualised Learning

With our small class sizes it is possible to provide a flexible approach to learning that can be adapted to the needs of all pupils by providing differentiated teaching in class, in addition to further specialist teaching for those with special educational needs or for whom English is a second language.

Learning Support

We are committed to offering an inclusive education to ensure the best possible progress for all our pupils, whatever their needs or abilities. We actively promote a whole school approach to meeting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), in which all members of the School community have an understanding of their role

We aim to support pupils who, whilst able to access the curriculum, may need extra help due to a specific learning difficulty or a lack of confidence in a particular aspect of their work. Pupils identified with specific learning needs are issued with an individual pupil profile which is disseminated to their teachers detailing their strengths, areas of need and supportive strategies.

Small Group Intervention

In the Prep School, targeted, small group intervention is provided for particularly able pupils and those who require further reinforcement. Specialist support lessons may be recommended, and these will be taught individually, focusing on the identified area of need.

There will be an additional charge for this provision.

Small Group Support

We offer small group support in Literacy and Maths in Years 7 to 11 delivered by specialist Teachers and Teaching Assistants. Specialist support lessons may be recommended, and these will be taught individually, focusing on the identified area of need. Such lessons are dovetailed into the demands of a pupil’s academic timetable and co-curricular activities.

There will be an additional charge for this provision.

EAL - English As An Additional Language

All boarders whose first language is not English, and have not attended an English medium school previously, are enrolled on the EAL programme upon joining Stonar, to develop their general English language skills and to help them with English for their subjects. In addition to the assessment carried out as part of the admissions process, pupils who have been identified as requiring EAL lessons are individually assessed when they join the School so that the appropriate, tailored support can be given to them.
In the Senior School, EAL is taught in small groups. Pupils have up to two 55 minutes lessons per week, and these EAL lessons will typically be timetabled in place of mainstream English. For pupils who already have a high level of English in terms of fluency and accuracy, they may join mainstream English classes. For all other lessons, pupils are integrated into the mainstream classrooms where teachers adjust their teaching methods to support EAL learners as individuals.
Some pupils may need additional individual lessons, at an extra cost. This will be arranged in consultation with parents and / or guardians. In such cases, the teacher will design an individual programme of work according to the specific language learning needs of each student.
Furthermore, all EAL pupils who have study periods in the LRC are provided with weekly work to help improve their English. This programme is run and monitored both by the EAL department and the librarian and is included in the school fees.
In addition, the EAL Department also maintains a pastoral emphasis, working closely with teachers and houseparents to ensure the wellbeing of international pupils and supporting their full integration into the School.

EAL Qualifications

As well as being prepared for the iGCSE ESL examination in Year 11 and the IELTS examination in the Upper Sixth, students can enter Cambridge examinations from PET (B1 level) to CPE (C 2 level). These qualifications are useful both for future employment or study. At Stonar we aim to foster proficiency in EAL to the highest level and we have had students as young as Year 10 or Year 11 gain C2 level qualification.